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Hey guys,
I have been just one busy bee the past month. School has just been keeping me on my toes glad I am now on spring break. I have no real plains but maybe do some spring cleaning my CLOSET being the target ugh just thinking about it is already making me feel over whelmed. Well I have some exciting news my blog was featured on a Plus size empowerment article on if you haven't had a chance to read it here is the link. I feel honored to be  along side some other amazing ladies.
Now lets see personal matters, hmmm well life is just what it is. At this point and I am doing pretty good with all that comes my way. I have to remind myself to take things 1 day at a time. I know it's sometimes hard to do especially if your head races like mines tends to do. I find it when i just concentrate on the present my day seems a little more manageable.
Last but not least if you haven't joined in on the Real is Perfect campaign I really suggest you do =] Details are right here.
What is real is perfect? It’s the Skorch Body Acceptance Campaign to empower women with images of real women that are perfect! We are bombarded with artificial images of perfection on a daily basis, but those aren’t real! Real is you and me and the girl next door, and THAT is perfect. Join the campaign and inspire women who can relate to you!

Join the #realisperfect 20,000 strong campaign! Submit your full body photo to For every photo submitted, you are guaranteed to empower 1 other woman ♥

So with all that mouth full of updates hope you ladies have a great upcoming week and lots of hugs to you all
xoxo Crystal

The beauty of life, is that you don't have to be modernly beautiful to live it. ~C.S. Lewis