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Weight Loss update for Janaury 2015

Hey, Guys.


 It’s been a few months since my last weight loss update.  H Well Im here to tell you it’s stronger than ever I have hit losing a total of 68 pounds in 1 year. The holidays where such a struggle actually since November 3rd my birthday weekend to Vegas is where it all started. Did I gain yes I gained 4 pound from November till New Year’s Eve.  I did however take no break at the gym I ate and worked my ass off. I gained from eating all the sweets (To many brownies).

   What where some of the highlights of last year for me.


I have gained so much endurance. I have gained muscle. I discovered my passion for strength training and Weight training. I get an amazing adrenaline when I feel my muscle sore and burn from the workouts. It’s even more amazing to see my muscles form and to feel them.I  workout 4- 5 times a week. I am so dedicated and really have falling in love with the gym. I have tried new machines and workouts that I never thought I would engage in.  I walk in the gym with more confidence than I ever had.No more walking with my head down.  My clothing size is so much easier to shop for and so much cheaper (wohoo) I went from a Size 24 to now a XL which is a size 14 I do fit in some  L depeding on fabric . That is another (Victory)

 The biggest highlight is to wrap my brain around not letting the scale have so much power on how I feel about myself. I had to learn this when I started to build muscle , because muscle weight less than fat and as you started to turn fat into muscle you start to look smaller rather than have that number reflect the scale. That was so true and remains so true in my case. I have noticed me looking smaller but the scale not budging much.
Overall I have really come a long way in my first year. Now it’s on to another great year. This year I will be participating in my first Spartan sprint race in September I am extremely excited about it. I will continue to update you on my journey.
  Here are some pictures, of my progress..

Before and Now 12/31/2014

Begining , Middle    Now


Before  ansd Now 


Before and Now




Also I update my Instagram the entire time feel free to hit the follow button.